Our lab is mainly carrying out research along the following themes: software ecosystems, empirical software engineering, open source software, software modelling, and software evolution.

The lab’s research publications can be found on the institutional repository ORBI UMONS.


Some research projects in which we are or have been involved are listed below:

  • SECOAssist, an interuniversity Excellence of Science research collaboration with Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universiteit Antwerpen and Université de Namur, focused on software ecosystems evolution.
  • SECOHealth, an interuniversity collaboration with Polytechnique Montréal and University of Laval, Canada
  • ARIAC by TRAIL4Wallonia, a big interuniversity research project around the teams of artificial intelligence in Wallonia
  • “Software Development Workflow Ecosystems”, a mono-university research project financed by F.R.S.-FNRS


As part of our research we have been developing some open source tools, some of which are listed below: